
Artist Profile of the Dilletantric Duo

This video is not one that I produced or worked on, rather, I was the subject, alongside my unlikely buddy at the time, Shane. This one compliments my last music post, “The Broken Armed Drummer,” about Shane’s injury before touring with my band Death Worth Living.

Shane and I played in DWL together, we lived and worked together on this farm, and we played music almost every day in the barn — shared spliffs, watched TV — and I coined the name for us: Dilettantric Duo. See what I did there?

Adam Keller had a local house venue called Rererato. He therefore knew us and decided that this would be a unique moment to document: The relationship between a heteronormative platonic male couple.

This is the short film produced by Adam Keller in 2009, simply titled, Artist Profile: Shane Schneider and Sean Ongley.

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