Composed Music

A Drone for Adam Curtis

This is an ambient drone in the key of A minor, for Adam Curtis.

Composed Music

Drone for Rudy

Ambient Synth Drones

Improvised Music

New Synth Jam

HEAR AUDIO IN NEW TAB. Please enjoy the dusty electronic noise produced herein. Dusty from sitting inside its case for five years, and performed by a dusty player. I could not remember how to do things I used to readily perform. Additionally, I cut myself off from music during this time that I’ve been writing […]

Improvised Music

The Broken Armed Drummer

“Luna’s Broken Arms” from The Growth Years by Death Worth Living Steven “Shane” Schneider aka Pixie Storm aka Reverend Papa Sweat, was a primary source of ambience and spontaneity, drumming and percussion, in the improvisational super group that I led from 2007 to 2011, Death Worth Living. This performance took place 24 hours following a […]

Improvised Music

A Shingle Drone

Featured Image is a Self-Portrait One evening in the winter of 2012, in the hills of Shingle Springs, California, this drone piece was improvised into my mobile studio. The performers are Myself, Jean-Paul Jenkins, and Megan McIsaac. We were guests in a distraught house with no running water, just electricity, and scant mobile coverage. This […]