News Produced Video

Taking on HELD.

Catching up on Held Gear and its happenings as I am officially flowing with the business.

News The Not-a-Podcast Show Video

The Baton Has Passed with Twin Balance

Interview with Twin Balance the artist formerly known as anonymous, and Micah Perry, on the transfer of Held Gear.

Conspiracy Humor News

Hanging Out with Sam Tripoli

Listen to me with Sam Tripoli on the Tin Foil Hat Patreon podcast.


How My Fridge Became a Pop Star

Shy Boyz music video for Julie’s Fridge uses my 1948 Philco C-883.


Don’t Call it a Comeback

Ever have the realization that you are a wash-up that never made it to the shores of financial or artistic success? I have. I’m the kind of fellow that was almost famous. I was cutting edge on the internet from 1997 to 2007. I was Google famous. I was a public broadcasting star. Not even […]