News Produced Video

Taking on HELD.

Catching up on Held Gear and its happenings as I am officially flowing with the business.

News The Not-a-Podcast Show Video

The Baton Has Passed with Twin Balance

Interview with Twin Balance the artist formerly known as anonymous, and Micah Perry, on the transfer of Held Gear.

The Not-a-Podcast Show

Creative Process and Finding Our Place with Estevan Munoz

Joined by Estevan Munoz for an hour plus catch up session, we go into topics surrounding the creative process. Portland versus Philadelphia and how an artist evolves from their home base. One of my first contributors with THRU Media, he was only 19 and searching for a portal to Portland. The time he spent helping […]

Reflections Writing

At Home in the Diner

Reflecting on the importance of the diner in the broader picture of American culture while examining my personal bond to the working man’s restaurant.


Bike Tour: Tacony Creek

See the near complete bike route through Tacony Creek Park in Philadelphia, 2019.