Last week, I had the pleasure to sit down with Chico California-based artist, Jake Nolen. He is a music producer and singer-songwriter. His newest full-length album is called Too Late to Party, available just about wherever you stream music.
This episode title is named from the concept that he is a man without a country. Raised religiously Christian, he busted from those norms only to return from his own path.
Modern music and art scenes are overwhelmingly progressive, and the social pressure is strong, so that it almost seems like there is a cause-of-the-month, every month. Each cause can contradict the other, but in the realm of psychological conditioning, this is fine.
Before diving into these issues, we focus on the creative and technical process of making a record. Jake performs every instrument on his new record.
Today’s production tools are so prevalent that it’s not just the Stevie Wonders and Princes of the world who can go into a studio and perform every instrument. Still not an easy thing to do, it requires great talent, and patience.
For me, it’s always a natural direction to go deep into the artist’s life, to help see what is driving them today.
Raised conservative, he rebelled only to run up against those contradictions, and now explores the space between, because the values of progressivism are good, and true. But the strategy doesn’t work, and we go back and forth pretty much in agreement about that in the final segment of the show.
Enjoyable talk, good man. I hope he blows up.